Doing Your Part To Keep Your Skin Healthy

Regular trips to a dermatologist can help ensure that your skin is healthy, but you also must do your part if you want healthy skin. You can’t rely on a health professional at a Brisbane Dermatology Clinic to work miracles if you aren’t properly taking care of your skin. Sure, doctors are doing wonderful things with skin treatments these days. That doesn’t mean you want to test the limits of your skin. Be smart and proactive. One way to help your skin stay healthy is to avoid smoking. Smoking is known to help cause wrinkles and fine lines that can make you look many years older than your really are. If you smoke, you are causing the small blood vessels in you body’s skin to actually constrict. This narrowing of the vessels will decrease the amount of blood flow to your outer layers of skin. With poor circulation, your skin starts to lack the nutrients it needs to stay healthy.


The harmful effects of smoking don’t end with poor circulation. You are also damaging the collagen in your skin if you smoke tobacco products. Collagen helps to give your skin elasticity. Without elasticity, your skin will begin to age prematurely. There are also the facial expression you make while smoking. In order to keep smoke from getting into your eyes, you probably squint. Squinting over and over again can contribute to wrinkles. Visiting or the website of any other reputable dermatology clinic can help you get a consultation if you are a heavy smoker who is looking to quit and reverse some of the damage that smoking as done to your skin. There are treatments that can help to reduce the wrinkles that years of smoking caused. If you get successful treatment, you’ll need to quit smoking if you want your results to last. Your dermatologist may be able to refer you to someone who can help you to quit.

Your skin is durable, but it still needs to be treated gently. One way to do that is by avoiding soaps that are too strong. Some soaps that contain strong fragrances can be too harsh for your skin. They might even cause skin irritation. Don’t take long baths or showers. Although they may relax you, long baths and showers will also work to eliminate the healthy oils that your skin produces. Using a daily moisturizer is a good practice. Make sure the product that you use fits your skin type.